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The PPNF VOICE Magazine, Summer 2023 Teaser, Vol 3, No. 0.5 is HOT off the press! This is a preview - we are actively seeking funding for a quarterly publication!
Get involved.
Join us for some great stories from the past and present featuring the artwork of Jim Phillips and stories by Bob Shaw, Harry Conti, Gene Hall, CK, Gary Griggs, The Clerk, and Ray Conti. Unique Stories, classic photos, Crypto Code, Pack Your Trash, and more! A collector's item: you betcha!
Inquiries: clerk@packyourtrash.org
Check it out Online: PPNF VOICE Magazine - Summer 2023 Teaser Vol 3, No. 0.5
This is a low res version - in print it's crisp!
Order a HARD COPY here: you are gonna want to get your grubby little hands on this one!